Kathmandu Central Zoo – The Animal Kingdom in the Kathmandu

Kathmandu Central Zoo

Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal and is popular as the living cultural city of Nepal. Inside the Kathmandu Valley; there are numerous ancient chapels and shrines, historical places, resting places, stone water taps, arts, architecture, etc. If you are wildlife,  animal, and bird lovers then the Kathmandu Central Zoo is the right place to explore in Jawalakhel.

The central zoo in Jawalakhel was established by a Rana Prime Minister in 1932. In the beginning, it was a private zoo, and later on, converted into public in 1956, as the Central Zoo in Kathmandu. Witnesses said that this zoo used to be a booth for the number of collections of animals of the Rana governors during that time. Even nowadays various types and animals are kept as protected animals.

Kathmandu Central Zoo


The Kathmandu Central Zoo is home to many mammals, birds, and reptiles. Giants animals like elephants, hippopotamus, One horn-Rhinoceros, and Water Buffalo. Other animals such as different types of deer, bears, Nil Gai, monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees. However, the main attraction is the Royal Bangle Tiger, Mountain Tiger, and Leopard. And the various types of fish in an Aquarium (sub-tropical fish

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Inside the Zoo, there are various types of activities you can do. There is a children’s park where your children can enjoy different types of fun activities. But there are two different types of activity place one is free and one is paid. You can go as the family get together before cause there is some open space and a man-made pond for boating. The best thing to do in the central zoo is to make a learning process by taking students there to observe the reality then books.

Zoo in Kathmandu

Entrance fee to the Kathmandu Central Zoo

Nepali visitors

Adult visitors NRS 200

Students NRS 135

Children (From 4-12 years)  NRS 75

Senior Citizens (Above 65 years NRS 100

SAARC Nationality

Adult NRS 500

Children (From 4 to 12 years NRS 250

Other nation visitors

Adult NRS 1000

Children (From 4 to 12 years NRS 500

Filming per day

Video and documentary NRS 25000

Features filming NRS 40000

Children play things

Kathmandu Central Zoo

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